

Industry news

The summary meeting of the 7th Chengdu auto parts exhibition was held in Chengdu

发布时间:2021-11-08 12:47:50浏览数:1

On October 22, 2021, the summary meeting of "the 7th Chengdu International Auto parts and after-sales service exhibition" was held in Chengdu. Li Jianjun, director of the industry development department of the automobile industry branch of CCPIT, Fan Jun, member of the Party group and vice president of CCPIT, Wen Kangjun, second-class inspector, Yu Guang, deputy general manager of Frankford Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., municipal (state) trade promotion associations More than 60 representatives of relevant industry chambers of Commerce, cooperative units and key enterprises attended.

At the meeting, vice president Fan Jun summarized the 7th Chengdu auto parts exhibition and put forward ideas and requirements for the salary of the 8th Chengdu auto parts exhibition. He pointed out that Chengdu auto parts exhibition is one of the top ten brand exhibitions mainly cultivated by the provincial government and an important trade and investment promotion platform for CCPIT to deepen the integration of "Exhibition + industry" and promote the development of automobile industry. He asked all parties to strengthen confidence, innovate, cooperate with each other and build brands. For the preparations for the 8th Chengdu auto parts exhibition, first, plan and start early, incorporate it into the next year's work plan, and carry out early preparatory work such as enterprise research, exhibition and investment attraction, publicity and promotion; Second, we should conduct in-depth research, master the demand, take the accurate connection between supply and demand as a breakthrough to improve the quality of the exhibition, and make full efforts to "embroider" to do real and fine connection services; Third, we should strengthen services, improve satisfaction, continue to do a good job in publicity and promotion, guidance for exhibitors and participants, and do a good job in on-site services.

The meeting commended the list of excellent units and individuals organized by the 7th Chengdu International Auto parts and after sales service exhibition. Ya'an Council for the promotion of international trade won the excellent unit award of "the 7th Chengdu International Auto parts and after-sales service exhibition" and was praised in a circular.

Industry news